Discover the Mediterranean Diet!

If one of your resolutions is to change your eating habits in the New Year, you’re not alone. About 47% of Americans made it their goal to eat healthier in 2024.
But, figuring out how to eat healthier and sticking to it can be hard.
Every year, US News & World Report convenes a leading panel of medical and nutrition experts to evaluate a wide variety of diet plans, ranking them from best to worst. It’s the bible of rankings and for the seventh year in a row, the Mediterranean Diet came in at the #1 spot!
According to U.S. News, “the Mediterranean Diet focuses on diet quality rather than a single nutrient or food group. Numerous studies have shown that it reduces the risk of chronic health conditions…while promoting longevity and improving quality of life”. and is a fabulous choice for a healthy way of eating.
The Mediterranean way of eating is inspired by the traditional dietary habits of people in countries bordering the Mediterranean Sea.
The diet gained widespread attention when researchers found people from countries like Greece and Italy were generally healthier and at a lower risk for chronic diseases compared to people in many other parts of the world. People who ate the Mediterranean Diet also tended to live longer. Credit their diets and overall lifestyle.
The Mediterranean Diet may vary from country to country, but it is consistent in emphasizing the consumption of whole foods, fresh fruits and vegetables, lean proteins, whole grains, and healthy fats. Include red wine and dairy products in moderation.
There is no set strict plan for eating on the Mediterranean Diet because you can choose from a wide variety of flavorful, fresh foods that are easy to find.
Get started by taking a look at your current way of eating and making some small swaps. Include a few things from the list below and you’ll be on you way to eating the Mediterranean Diet way.
- Fish: Fish is the go-to protein of the Mediterranean Diet. Include it in at least one or two meals a weak. Loaded with omega-3 fatty acid for brain and heart health, fish like salmon, sardines and tuna are a great source of low-fat protein.
- Veggies: Vegetables are nutritious, low in fat and high in fiber and are central to the Mediterranean Diet. Try getting in 5-10 servings a day by starting with spinach in your morning eggs. In the afternoon snack on carrots, cucumbers and red peppers with hummus. Roast vegetables as a dinner side.
- Whole grains. The Mediterranean Diet is packed with recipes that include whole grain options including bulgur, barley, farro, oats and quinoa. Whole grains are a good source of dietary fiber and help lower the risk of many chronic diseases. Add air popped popcorn to your snack list and substitute white rice with brown rice, farro, quinoa, and another whole grain.
- Beans. Eating beans at least 3 times a week will provide a huge nutritional punch. Lentils and chickpeas are a great protein source and can help you phase meat out of your diet.
- Good Fats: In small amounts, good fats are a part of a balanced diet and are a major source of energy. Extra-virgin olive oil, nuts, full-fat yogurt, eggs, some cheeses and olives are all good choices to consume in moderation. Substitute olive oil for butter, sprinkle nuts on oatmeal or munch on olives as part of your daily snack.
- Fresh fruit. Satisfy your need for something sweet by choosing fresh fruit. Fruit is naturally low in fat, and calories, and is a great source of dietary fiber. Save Sugary sweets for special occasions.
Whether you’re looking to improve your overall health or simply savor the joys of wholesome eating, the Mediterranean diet offers a time-tested and scientifically supported roadmap to nourishing your body and enhancing your quality of life.